When you get to your first area in your mission you have a trainer. In mission vocab your trainer is your mom or your dad. I AM GOING TO TRAIN! I am going to have a daughter! Hence the subject that means I am pregnant!!! haha!
This week was full and empty. It was full of cool spiritual lessons, but empty when considering new people we found. We are working a lot with the ward and getting lots of references! We just need to go find them now!
One really spiritual thing that happened this week was teaching an eternigator without a plan. We showed up with some ideas of scriptures to share and then went by the spirit. I felt the spirit guiding my every word. By the end of the lesson the investigator told us that he would make us a deal about his baptism. That he would go ask God about it and if he could discern an answer he would talk to his mom about giving him permission to get baptized. This is what we wanted from the beginning!!!!

This week was also Zone conference! Something I love about my president is that he takes us on these crazy scripture tours and pulls out crazy doctrine that just makes sense. I can't share all of what he shared, but I can share my testimony. I already knew but now I am even more convinced that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the earth. Jesus himself established a perfect church when He was on the earth and again has established the same church in the exact same form through a young man named Joseph Smith. I know that the new prophet of the church is called of God and has the authority to be His mouthpiece to all the world. I love this gospel and I know there are many people who need it in their lives.
I am humbled more every week by the amazing love of the people here and feel truly privileged to have the opportunity to be amongst them preaching the love of the Savior.
Fun Facts:
- Every week here we give English classes to invite more people to come to the church and to help all the people here who want to learn English!
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
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