Monday, February 5, 2018

"Those were my favorite shoes! I hate this jungle!"

{Yzma, "Emperor's New Groove"}

I attribute this movie quote to my wonderful ex-companion Hermana Jeppsen. It is DANG mucky here in my area. You can't escape the mud. I actually love it! It gives a little more adventure to the work! But yes, I completely trashed my favorite shoes. Also it has been raining basically all week and I was so happy when the sun finally came out to dry it up and give us some sunshine. 

Also because it has rained so much there are floods in some parts of Bolivia and a lot of people have lost their houses. So please keep those people in your prayers.

{Don't miss the Christ statue, "Cristo de la Concordia" on the hill here}

{Miranda's new companion is Hermana Piguave from Equador!}

{This is not her new comp - She must just really like to see her.  Hermana Mendoza}

{Here she is}

I learned this week even more how real God is. He is in all the little things, and I feel His presence so strongly. 

When I most felt His presence were the times I saw little miracles. God gives hope. There is an investigator who we visited this week named Tania. It was a tough lesson because she is still a teenager and doesn't understand a lot of things very well still. I didn't have a lot of hope that she was going to progress, but she was my new companion's first investigator she's met on the mission so I wanted to be hopeful for her. Sunday came around and we went by her house like always to bring her to church. She started giving excuses about her clothes or money, and we came up with all the answers, so she started getting ready to go! THEN while we were waiting for her, her cousins asked if they could come too! They asked permission and got ready to go! They all came to church and I was so happy!

God works miracles. We got to church with the 3 cousins, and they loved it. But also there was, sitting in the chapel, by choice, in her dress, another woman named Patricia. Turns out that her family had talked to her about the church, she moved here, and went looking for the church. Basically she just appeared right in our hands. We get to teach her later this week=)

God is here. With a new companion fresh from the MTC I actually have no idea what I am doing. But I have just put my trust in God and completely give my will to His sometimes. And when I do, I definitely feel Him there. He guides me and gives me the right words to say and how to contact, and make the biggest difference I can in the lives of my loved ones.

Love you all!

Fun Facts:
- As a new missionary my comp hasn't completely adapted to the mission life so she still forgets sometimes that we can't greet the guys with kisses! haha
- I bought new shoes today, but it is so hard to find ones big enough for me because everyone is SO SMALL here!!

-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen

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