So funny story.... this week we had a bunch of problems with our apartment. Our freezer filled up completely with ice so we let it all melt and discovered an age old ginger root. We took out the garbage for the first time in like 3 months because we finally were home when the garbage truck passed, but we dripped all the garbage juice down our 4 flights of stairs along with lots of maggots. And on top of everything, the owner's cat got onto our balcony and jumped off, basically committing suicide. It is a really good thing cats have 9 lives.

Other than that I had some really cool experiences this week! We taught an amazing woman named Yolanda who wants so badly that her daughter gets a chance to hear about Jesus. We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and it was amazing how much she is just ready to accept it all. The only problem is that she went on a trip, and we cant teach her for a couple weeks. But we gave her a Book of Mormon to take with her, with all faith that she will read at least a little.
Also one of my old investigators from Jaihuayco, Giovana, got baptized this week! I got permission from the president to go to her baptism and I was so happy to see her get in the water after so many missionaries visiting her. Even though she had to re-do it three times, the important thing is that she got baptized=)
But another great part of that night was the fact that I got the chance to participate by giving a talk about the spirit. I have learned a ton this week about how important the spirit is in missionary work. So many times this week I have just opened my mouth and let the spirit guide what I say. I trust so much more now in God and that he will tell me what I need to say in the perfect moment. Like we also were in Jaihuayco for the farewell night of a member that now is headed out on a mission. And while we were sitting there, the brother directing the meeting said "and then we will turn the time over to Hermana Madsen to give a message about how the mission has blessed her in her life". So I immediately started praying to know scriptures and a good train of thought to share. When it came time, I felt confident and full of the spirit. I was able to share something that i hope touched this pre-missionary's heart along with anyone else who was listening.
That is our job as missionaries. To teach to everyone who receives us. And as we do it, as we trust in God to guide us, we will not only be blessed with success in the mission, but also blessings in the Eternities.
Fun Facts:
- We were in a house that recently got renovated. We were helping them prepare for their house-warming party, and in walked a catholic priest blessing the new house.... and he sprinkled us with holy water as he chanted his prayer.
- Carpet literally doesn't exist here so neither do vacuums.
{I think this is making a surprise cake for Sister Pastillo's birthday, one of her favorite companions ever}
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
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