Woohoo! 8 months down!
First off, a shoutout to my friend Victor who reads my blog! Que nunca olvide quien le ha puesto aquí, ni las personas que le traen más cerca de Dios. Él es todo, y le escucha cada vez que le hable. Digale todo y escuchele bien. Le contestará=)
Have you ever felt like there was a hole in your chest that you just couldn't fill? This week I felt that. I wasn't upset, I just couldn't fill a need I had. We had a great zone conference and interviews with the mission president, but nothing seemed to fill this emptiness that I felt. Then I remembered times when I felt like this before. It was always before General Conference. I know I need to be even stronger against the adversary when Conference is getting close because it is a special time that we get to listen to our church leaders and we receive instruction from God!
¡Preparense! Prepare yourselves! This is gonna be a good one!
Other than that, this week was very successful! One day we were walking looking for people to contact, and we saw this girl walking around crying, and decided to ask her if there was anything we could do to help her. Turns out her four year old daughter had disappeared. She had been playing outside, and her mom realized that she didn't hear her little girl outside anymore. We wrote down her number and said we would go looking. Then I had the impression to say a prayer with them. They accepted the offer, and we prayed with them that her daughter would be safe, and they could find her. We looked the rest of the afternoon with them, but didn't find her.
We went back a few days later and the little girl was there! She was taken in the middle of the day by a woman who thought the little girl had a big wad of cash in her pocket, but they were play-bills. Like monopoly bills....ugh! She took her across Cochabamba and when she realized they weren't real, she took her to the police station because she didn't want to deal with a screaming little girl.
But the point of this story is that when we went back we were able to teach the power of prayer and the power of God. The mom has a baptismal date now=)))))
I know God is watching over us, not passively, rather intensely. He knows you. He knows me. He wants us all to come to Him, and although I still have fear sometimes of people here, I know my purpose here is to bring all of them that I can unto God.
Fun Facts:
-In spanish the word for sweatshirt is buso. But here in Bolivia they use it for church slacks. So when my companion told our convert to take off his "buso" he was very confused.
-For those of you who don't know, there is a giant christ statue here in Cochabamba that is even bigger than the one in Rio=)
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
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