{baptism of Miranda's investigator after she transferred}
Um so something changed this week. I don't know why, I don't know how, but we are so much closer to God and seeing miracles I never dreamed of. It started on Tuesday when we were planning a baptism of one of our investigators named Jorge. He wants to get baptized super bad, and we were going to have to postpone his baptism for another week because of some activities and meetings in the church. But he didn't want to, so we put the date for Wednesday in the evening. But during lunch on Tuesday all of a sudden I felt something I have never felt before. It was a worried, rushed sort of feeling. Like when you need to be somewhere but your ride is late. I told my companion that I was feeling weird and she said she was feeling exactly the same. That's when we knew that something was wrong with Jorge. Ive never before experienced knowing something before it happened like that. So we called and canceled everything on a whim, and when we did we felt calm and peaceful. When we did a pre-interview with him, we found out he was still missing a key part of testimony. And I can't believe I felt it first!
Then my companion started dreaming.
Hermana Pastillo has a gift. She dreams and receives revelations for things that are going to happen. One incredible dream she had was that we were visiting her family in Ecuador and her brother gave us some counsel for the mission that really we were special servants of God and that we had to keep pressing forward and that our work was very important to God. That we should never give up even though the devil is super strong and will work his hardest to get us down. He said a lot more, but that is what is important. Because that night we were walking around and contacting and eating popcorn when a Brazilian man came up to us and asked if we were missionaries. We said yes! He told us he had met some missionaries in Brazil and was here to study, and that he just needed to tell us something. He began to tell us that our work was very important to God and that he was very happy with what we are doing here, helping people. He said that we need to be careful because the devil is super strong and will do what he can to prevent our progress and our work.
In that moment I started crying, and I looked over at Hermana Pastillo and she had tears in her eyes too. He appeared out of nowhere and felt like he should tell us those exact words. We have had more experiences just like this during the week where people have told us EXACTLY what Hermana Pastillo heard in her dreams. And it is CRAZY!
THEN we had an amazing night with our convert Limber and his mom, Gloria. She gave us another miracle on Sunday because we were waiting for someone to show up to church because all of our investigators were failing us, and we were calling around like crazy. Then she, her mom, and her twin grand daughters showed up! She told us that night that so many things they said interested her. She was super interested in baptisms for the dead so we got the help of her son, who is preparing for a mission to help us teach her. At the end of the lesson she said she knew she would get baptized someday but that it would be a surprise to us when. I have a lot of hope for her whole family. Even if it takes years, I know they will all come to accept the gospel.
Well this has been long, and I didn't even tell the half of my week! So if you wanna know more you'll just have to ask me after the mish!
Love you all!
Fun Facts:
-You know that Brazilian guy who told us that revelation? He told me he was in love with me. That I seemed like I was from another planet, he couldn't explain it. haha!
- The limes and lemons are backwards here. The limes are big and yellow on the outside, and the lemons are small and green.
{Be Happy}
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
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