This week was our last zone conference with President Hansen. We are getting a new president this week! It is really sad but I am happy for them that they get to go back and live their lives with their family. The most important things I learned from zone conference and from the week is how important it is to have a good relationship with your companion, and to always trust the Lord Jesus Christ.

When a companionship is not working in unity, there isn't the spirit and there isn't success. No matter how much two people try to be good missionaries, they can't do it alone. In the mission you NEED a companion to back you up.
Then when you have unity, or when you don't, you can ALWAYS look to Christ for help. Christ is the only constant in all the craziness of the world. For example I am out here in a completely different world. The culture is different, the people, the language, habits, smells, food, buildings, cars, streets, furniture... EVERYTHING is different from my home. The only thing that is the same is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the constant throughout all the world, in every country, in every life. It is the constant truth. I know He lives and that He understands us. I will never doubt the reality of His Atonement because I have seen it work too many times in my life to even think it is false. I love my savior and I know He loves every single one of you, He loves me, and He loves everyone I meet here.

{Obviously Miranda's handiwork =) }

{Obviously Miranda's handiwork =) }
Fun Facts:
- So I lied about Bolivia being the only country without ocean... Paraguay doesn't have ocean either. But nobody really talks about them...
Oh Miranda, how I love you!! Thank you for your stength and testimony.