This week was a mess, yet it was so effective. Hermana Howell flew back to Cochabamba for a day and a half to do all the paper work for her visa. So I was tossed around from companionship to companionship while she was gone. It was super fun because I got to know a lot more of Sucre!
At that point in the week we had 2 new investigators which is good, but we had lost a lot of appointments with potentials when she traveled. But when she got back we started working harder than ever. We contacted like crazy, and we visited people from the early hours in the morning to the last minute we could at night. That is what missionary work is. I understand now better what it feels like to have my mind completely in the mission.

On Saturday we started out the day visiting a family way out in the field areas of our area and their older brother was at their house and invited us to come to his house after. So we went and talked with him and his wife who are super nice and I have a lot of hope for them. We were in the right place at the right time to find them. Then we ran to the church to attend a baptism of our pensionista's daughter Wendy. We sang a special musical number because my companion is a super good singer. And when Wendy was in the bathroom changing, we were able to teach the plan of salvation because there were a few non-members visiting. Then we helped pass out cake and clean up at the party afterwards.
Let me tell you that Latin parties are super big and truly different from any party I've been to! The entire ward was there and there were souvenirs and food and a piñata with treasures for everyone there. The rest of the day was super successful and when I got home I was exhausted. I can honestly say I gave my ALL that day =) That is what I call a successful missionary. Through our work this week we found 8 new investigators. I am proud of that number not because I found them, but because we really listened to the spirit this week and followed the promptings we had when these people were placed right in our path.

I realized this week how important missionaries are in the lives of the people here. They really are so grateful for the messages we bring because some of them don't have the opportunity to hear it from anywhere else. Lots of people this week in sacrament meeting mentioned the missionaries that found them when they needed the gospel the most. I want to be that missionary who listens to the spirit to find and help those people. I want to be the Lord's missionary=)
Fun Facts:
- Bolivia is the only country in South America without ocean, so they have Día del Mar to protest for a part of land with ocean!
- Since Latin culture has lunch as their big meal, we fast from lunchtime to lunchtime here instead of dinner to dinner.
~Hermana Madsen
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