{those look like the No Bake cookies she asked for the recipe for =)}
So everyone told me before coming out that I should prepare for a different kind of cold than I had ever experienced. I didn't listen and was not mentally prepared for this humid death. I now understand the phrase "Chilled to the bone." Yeah, it's cold.

Also, I should have listened to the counsel to study Preach My Gospel... it is amazing. It took receiving an assignment from the mission president to finally know after 3 1/2 months that Preach My Gospel was prepared specifically for missionaries... like me!!! Who'da thunk?
Now it's my turn to give a warning, and y'all best listen. Satan is the very most powerful when you are about to do something contrary to his liking. When you are on the track to become who your Heavenly Father wants you to be, he uses everything he can to drag you down. I have seen this many times in my life and now many times in the mission in the lives of others. He will often work through other people to stop you in your path. Every one of our investigators who is ready to be baptized cannot because of the choices or influence of someone else. It is so frustrating because I know each of them are so ready, but can't. The adversary will use every weakness you've ever had until he finds the one that will make you slip up.
Be careful when you are doing the right things and when you have big, worthy goals. Satan wants to destroy this plan that God has for us.

Thank you all for your prayers. I know I couldn't do any of what I am doing without the support I have back home or the help I receive from Heavenly Father every day! ¡Les amo!

Fun Facts:
- Something Bolivians like to use in their meals is Chuño. This is a mini rotten potato and I don't understand why they like it because it is disgusting and all the missionaries hate it... haha.
- So I am in Sucre, and everyone is offended because the rest of the world thinks La Paz is the capital of Bolivia... but guess what... It's not! Sucre is=)

{ok, look at these jerseys. "Cuando Toca, Toca" and different country flags... looks like they had them made for their zone. =) }

Jugando béisbol con la zona... esa fue mi HOMERUN!
{Playing baseball with my zone... this was my homerun!}
Don't count the days, make the days count!

{ok, look at these jerseys. "Cuando Toca, Toca" and different country flags... looks like they had them made for their zone. =) }
Jugando béisbol con la zona... esa fue mi HOMERUN!
{Playing baseball with my zone... this was my homerun!}
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen

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