So I always thought it would be cool to get revelation through dreams. I still wish I had that gift, but I don't.. But guess who does? The tribe of Mannaseh... the people I am teaching! The Latinos have crazy revelatory dreams and it is awesome. One example is amongst the missionaries. Many have dreams about investigators or cambios {transfers} and they come true. My companion once dreamed we invited an investigator to be baptized and she accepted. So the next time we visited her we invited her to be baptized and guess what? She accepted!
Another example is amongst the investigators. Many have told us that their dreams led them to believe that the church is true. One special investigator to me is Andrea. She told us about these dreams she had when she was little. She dreamed of a specific road and a trufi (or public bus) passing this road, and she always had this feeling of fear associated with these dreams. In these same dreams she dreamed her dad hurt his elbow. So when she would wake up she would tell her dad that he needed to be careful with his arm and be careful on that particular street. Later her dad was in an accident on his motorcycle with a trufi on that street and fell right on his elbow. He was in the hospital for a long time and wanted to talk with Andrea. She couldn't ever make it to him. One night while he was in the hospital, Andrea dreamed that she talked to her dad. He was sitting under a big tree with fruit on it. He told her everything she imagined he would have said in the hospital. When she woke up she found out that her dad had passed away that night. The reason she told us this is because she was reading the Book of Mormon and kinda freaked out at the tree of life story. She told us "I dreamed about that tree before." The tree her dad was sitting under, she believes, is the tree of life. Totally makes sense.
That was super eye-opening, jaw-dropping, and the spirit hit me super hard. It is amazing. This gift is so special and I love asking Latinos about their dreams now because they are filled with revelation. I love it because I can help them see that they can receive answers to their prayers through their dreams!
Also I just finished my second cambio (transfer) in the mission! I am getting a new companion tomorrow, Hermana Howell from Honduras. I am going to miss my companion so much, and I am super scared of teaching sometimes still. But I know the Lord knows what He is doing and that Hermana Howell is exactly who I need right now.
Fun facts:
- We visited La Glorietta last week, which is the only castle in all of Bolivia. It housed the only King that Bolivia has ever had. Super cool that it is here in Sucre!
- There is a fruit that only grows here called Chirimoya! super yummy=)
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
That is so neat, my mother-in-law has that gift. Things come to her in the night. I just sleep and am thankful I didn't wake up! It makes me more conscious during the day to listen and feel the spirit. We just have to work a little harder at it, but it comes! I love you Miranda!