{Are those palm fronds and are they celebrating Easter week? It's awesome.}

We had an investigator say this week that it appears that we are from another world! She was saying this in response to the spiritual strength she saw in us. I am so grateful I was born in the gospel and had the opportunity to grow that spiritual strength. But something very valuable I have learned on the mission is that my strength doesn't come from me. Every ounce of energy, strength, and power I have come from God. Therefore I must give my all to Him and His work.

This week I think I grew more as a person than any MONTH in my life. I learned so much about myself, about companionships, and about what mission work is REALLY all about. A lot of really cool things happened this week but a lot of them I can't share right now.
I can give my testimony and how it has grown.
God is All-Powerful. We need not have fear of what Satan or man can do to us if we have God in our hearts and at our sides. I testify of the redeeming power of the Atonement and of the influence of Christ in every life. I know that He will strengthen us when we turn to Him for guidance. I also know that the adversary will work extra hard on us when we are close to God. When we are about to achieve something magnificent, he closes in with all he knows to get us. I have seen that many times in my life and in the lives of others. I know the only remedy is to pray and serve. Every day we feel the power of the devil, we should realize it is a sign of our divine potential and we must stamp him out of our lives. The way he gets to missionaries is he does anything he can to close our mouths and keep them closed. I learned that I must pray and ask for help to open my mouth. It seems simple, and it is! God works in mysteriously simple ways.
My invitation to you all is to pray. Simply pray with all the intention of your heart and you will receive guidance, comfort, and peace. Sé que Jesucristo vive y vendrá otra vez. Nos bendecirá cuando le confiamos.
{I know that Jesus Christ lives and will come again. He will bless us when we trust Him.}
¡Les amo muchísimo!
Fun Facts:
- Some houses here have signs that say "We are Catholic here and we will not change religion"... We still knock on those doors =)
- The taxis have little stuffed animals on their dashboards to protect their cars.
~Hermana Madsen
No cuenten los días, haz que los días cuenten.
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