{the blessed pensionista who cooks the noon meal for Miranda every day. I appreciate this woman so much}

Every morning during companionship study we recite D&C 24:12 which says, "And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men." I always knew it meant spiritual strength, but I didn't know it could mean physical strength as well... until this week.
First off, this week was another hard week emotionally. Out on a mission if my thoughts start being directed towards home, it is very hard to stop. It is really hard to not think of the future and what it might hold. It is hard to not make plans for when I get home. One of my goals starting the mission was to "keep the future foggy" and let God direct my life right now. I used this phrase a lot this week when I would start thinking of home. Sadly, at times I pleaded with my Heavenly Father to help me just forget home, forget my family, forget my friends so I could focus on opening my mouth and declaring the word. And guess what?? Prayer works! Honestly God gives and gives and gives to those who have faith that they will receive. I learn that more every day. One thing that was commented to me was how much I seem to love prayer, and I do! I receive so much personal revelation and strength through prayer, just as promised.
Second, I found out that God supports His missionaries physically. Saturday I was on intercambios with Hermana Beltran (who is amazing) and we had a bunch of lessons planned during day. But right after lunch our investigator Heidy (The one looking for a room with her baby) called us and told us she found a room and she was moving that day and she would like our help. We gladly accepted the offer to provide service, and figured it was okay to skip some of the lessons that weren't really set in stone. This is where our physical strength was tested. We helped her move all of her belongings from her room on the third floor to the ground floor, from there down two more flights of steps to the moving truck, and from the moving truck up to her new room on the fifth floor. Yep. Us two sister missionaries. We didn't go change into service clothes because it was such short notice, so we helped in our dresses. We also didn't call the elders to help for this reason. But I know that we did not do it alone. God promises us angels as missionaries, and there were definitely angels keeping us from falling and supporting our strength. And through it all I was just happy.
I invite you all to study this scripture and ask God sincerely what you can do to receive this kind of strength, too.
I seriously love you all! Each one of you. Se lo prometo con todo mi corazón.

{don't miss the lighted cross on the hill}

{don't miss the lighted cross on the hill}

Fun facts:
Cholitas like to go to the bathroom on the side of the road.
I hate chuño.
I finished one cambio (or 6 weeks) here in the field!!!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
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