So every day was different this week, and every day counted! Honestly most days started out without any success but we always found someone to share a message with!
Ex 1) We were at a member's house with her investigating mom and we spent a lot of time talking about the new baby in their home and eating treats they gave us, but then when it was time to go, we were going to just leave without sharing anything. So I stopped my companion and said even though it was late and close to the time we needed to be home, the Lord would bless us if we shared even something short. So we did, and left a commitment with them to read the BOM and I really do think it was something they needed to hear. AND we made it back to the house at exactly 9:30!
Ex 2) Friday it was raining so hard in the morning that the street was flooding so we didn't get out of the house until lunchtime, which I didn't feel great about. Then we walked to the other side of our area to meet two references, but we couldn't find either of their houses! The streets are wacko here so I understand, but seriously NEITHER! But then we went and met with Andrea, one of our investigators, and she had much less understanding than we thought, but in the end she agreed to a baptismal date! Of course we are going to do everything we can to help her to prepare. She is super special!

My teachers in the MTC said my purpose would change, but I didn't believe them. I already knew why I was out on a mission, how could that change? Well it does. It changes all the time.
Alma 16:16 changed it this time... And there was no inequality among them; the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming—
My job, my calling out here is to prepare the minds of the descendants of Adam and Eve to accept Christ when He comes again. To fully receive the message He will give. I am out here to help prepare every person I can. For everyone who reads this, I ask you to prepare yourselves by doing something every day to bring yourselves and your family closer to Christ. God is real. He answers prayers that are offered sincerely. I testify of this with all my heart.

Fun Facts...
The big meal here is Lunch, not Dinner
Milk comes in bags!
Their couches are shorter because they have shorter legs so I am always super uncomfortable sitting down haha!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~ Hermana Madsen
Oh Miranda, thank you. I love you so much. With all my heart. Keep going sweet girl!