I really can't believe it's already been a week since I wrote last. When in missionary work, if you love the people and love what you're doing, the time flies.

Ok so Tuesday I kinda got hit by a ton of bricks during district and zone meeting. They talked a lot about contacting and it really got me thinking about how I am put in my area for a reason, and my companion and I are the only ones who can bring the truth to this people right now. So how else are they going to know unless we tell them?
So we got to work. Slowly but surely. And literally every day this week we found someone with a story that has prepared them to hear the gospel. Sadly a lot of them were not in our area, so we had to pass references. But for real. For example.... One girl we contacted lived in another area in an abandoned house with her husband. She loves talking about Christ and about the gospel AND when we gave her a pamphlet with a picture of the Book of Mormon on the back she laughed and said... oh I already have this bible at my house!... WHAT? yeah, it had been left there by one of her great grandparents who previously owned the house, and she had read some of it! WHAAT?? Yeah. Sadly we don't get to teach her but WOW!
Another example is yesterday we were searching for this other Escogido (chosen, elect) that we had contacted earlier this week. We passed this sweet old lady on the street and my feet started slowing because I felt something when we passed her... So we turned around (basically chased her down) and started talking to her. She lives alone in this pretty apartment and has a super strong testimony of the presence of God and Christ in her life, but no religion...! We helped her to her house and she invited us in to talk! She recognized that God had sent us to her and she thanked Him for it. Ahhhh! I'm so excited to keep teaching her.
So basically... contacting is incredibly important because God is preparing people AND PUTTING THEM LITERALLY RIGHT IN YOUR PATH! This doesn't just apply to missionary work. There are people all around that need your help. I invite you all, my loving family and friends, to open your mouths and your hearts to those around you.
Fun facts...
I live on a Street named Los Estados Unidos (The United States)
The gas they use for cars smells like Fireworks.
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