This week just seemed like 1 long Pday.
The majority of the people here are Catholic, and if they aren't, they all celebrate the traditions of the Catholic church. One of those traditions is a huge 3 day fair with parades and LOTS of drinking to celebrate the virgins and saints of their church. There were 2 of those this week. This past weekend the celebration was literally right outside our window. We live in a plaza where all the party was happening. There was a huge concert one night with some good bands from around here, and we didn't sleep hardly at all that night. The next two days were pure parades and fair games and NOBODY was in their houses. It seemed like the whole world was in the park in front of our house.
It was super cool, but there isn't much we could do to contact or do missionary work because everyone was drunk, and it was in celebration of another church.... haha! This week will hopefully be better!

{I don't know if they can be friends...}

{I don't know if they can be friends...}

Concerning the work, I went on exchanges with Hermana Campana. She is from the U.S. but she was born in Mexico and her first language is Spanish. I loved being with her and visiting new people. Something on that exchange that was super cool was that we talked with A LOT of little kids. Kids are so so special and it is way less stressful to talk to them than to adults jaja maybe I'm just still a little kid.
Other than that we put two more baptismal dates with our investigators, and I am so excited to help them along that path.

Even though this week was long, and seemed unsuccessful, I know that every effort I put into serving the Lord is good for something and He is taking into account everything I do!
Fun Facts:
-Everyone here looks at me like they've never seen a white person before... they just stare.
-I have literally seen 1 iPhone here. The rest is Samsung, and they all have a certain amount of credit every month, and you have to buy little cards if you want more calling/ texting/ internet credit.
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