Welp... I don't really know what to say this week. It was a hard one. We didn't have any new investigators this week and a lot of our old ones are stopping their progress. But something that helped me was to think that literally every single missionary has days and weeks like this one, and that we just have to keep pushing on. There is no point in dwelling on what happened in the past when we can only change the future.

Also, if I haven't emphasized it enough, God answers prayers. He literally listens to every word we say, and if we have faith he gives us every single thing we desire=)

Also, it is FREEZING and they say it is only going to get colder. But it's okay because I bought a really nice fleece blanket in the street. That is one thing that is super different is that their shopping is just a bunch of stands or shops on the sides of the street for a couple blocks. You just have to walk through and find what you are looking for. I love it=)

Today for Pday we went on an adventure=) It was a tour called "Los 7 Maravillos de Sucre" or the 7 wonders of Sucre. Some super cool places that are ancient and a part of Bolivian history! Mostly I loved it because it was a lot of hiking around big rocks and it made me feel like I was back home in Southern Utah on an adventure!
{pictures much later. you'll know them when you see them!}

{pictures much later. you'll know them when you see them!}

The work is coming along slowly but surely. The most important thing is that I am feeling more confident in myself everyday! It has been hard to find people because they are all on winter vacation. But I'm not letting it get me down. Something I like that a member said this week on Sunday was that our trials are either a punishment or a test. I know that if I am doing everything I can, then it is just a test , and my trials are things that will help me grow.

Fun Facts:
- Here they don't put the toilet paper in the toilet after using it. They put it in the trash next to the toilet.
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