"What is winter?" Literally winter here lasted for about 3 weeks... and now it is really hot again. haha!

The most exciting thing that happened for me this week was the baptism of a very dear friend. Emma Murillo isn't one of my investigators, but she is someone very special to me. Little by little her family is accepting the gospel. She finally got baptized this last Saturday and I was so happy to be able to attend. I think as members maybe we take baptism for granted sometimes. To be out here and see the changes people make in order to make covenants with God is incredible. I am really starting to see that God has his timing for everyone, and even if I don't have any more baptisms on my mission, I am seeing changes in everyone I teach, and seeing changes in myself. I know I am not the one really doing the work. This week some miracles I saw were my "eternigators" were starting to testify for themselves and are starting to grow testimonies of the Book of Mormon.
Something super super helpful in the mission is when members give us references. The people we contact through members are those who know a little about the church and have seen the influence of the church in the lives of their friends. We had a fun activity this week where the members all brought desserts to enter in a contest, and brought investigators to judge the desserts. It ended up super awesome and we got a lot of new people we can go teach=)
The weeks are going by SO FAST. Everyone said after 6 months that time flies, and I didn't really believe them until it happened. Also I have been asked a lot if I miss home, and I am not gonna lie I totally do. But every time I am able to testify that I am willing to leave all that behind for a year and a half to serve God. I am willing to give up the past me and become who God wants me to be. Like Elder Holland said this last conference, "Come as you are [but] don't plan to stay as you are."
I love Bolivia, I love my companion, I love my mission.
Fun Facts:
- So all the houses have a wall surrounding them, and you just have to knock on a big metal gate and wait for them to come out. And it is not like at home where everyone runs to the door within 1 minute. We wait outside for 5 minutes sometimes because they decide 2 minutes after we knock.
- So when we get references, the directions of the houses are very hard. They all seem to be like this: No street name, without number, one block "that way" from the dirt road next to the store, brick house, two stories, with a metal door. (haha that rhymes=))