So this was another one of the long weeks on my mission. Hermana Cardoza left, and my new companion Hermana Howell got here! Let me tell you now that she is about as close as it gets to a perfect missionary. She is really good at contacting, she knows the scriptures really well, she always knows what to say, she is obedient, and she always has a smile. We work super well together and she sings like a star. I am learning a lot. But the first day was really hard. I didn't realize how important my relationship with Hermana Cardoza was to me until all of a sudden I didn't have that person that I trusted so much. I felt so alone again after finally feeling comfortable with her. I never expressed to her how important she was to me because I didn't understand how much trust we had. But, as always, God answered my fervent prayers. When we left to visit people that first day, I asked that I would be able to focus on the people and I would not feel alone. That I would be able to feel the Savior with me. In our appointments I felt so comfortable. I was able to open my mouth and the right words came out. I was able to talk with my companion and start a good friendship with her.

Something I am not very good at is enjoying the moment. I didn't realize the great moments I had with Hermana Cardoza because I was focused on my past, and worrying about the future without her. Same with before the mission. I didn't enjoy the time I had with my family because I was missing the past and longing for the future. And I regret that. So that is my goal for the rest of my mission, to enjoy every experience I have while I can. To live in the moment. Because when I do, I see incredible miracles and am way more in tune with the spirit.
One example is yesterday I had an impression to go to a plaza in our area because I felt like someone would be there that we needed to contact. When we go there, there were a few families walking around, and couples sitting on the park benches... ew. It is super awkward to go up to a couple and contact them, but luckily the spirit was telling me that it wouldn't be a young person waiting for me. Then we found this older woman resting in the middle of the plaza and we decided to contact her. She was super nice and laughed a lot (even though she was laughing at me, it was funny). Turns out the sister missionaries lived in her house for a really long time! So she knew our church and knew the missionaries. She invited us to come and share a little snack sometime and talk. After that I felt like we could leave the plaza because she was the one waiting for us =)
I encourage all of you to take a step back and live in the moment. Enjoy the people and things that are around you before they are gone. When you do this, you will also be more in tune with the promptings of the spirit.
I love you all and I pray for you every night<3
Fun Facts:
In Bolivia they have tea-time in between lunch and dinner when they eat a little bread with jam or a little dessert with herbal tea.
Some of the boys here grow out their fingernails, but usually only the pointer finger and the thumb.... I am to scared to ask why!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen