Every day brings trials, but we have found the most success when we are obedient! I have definitely grown a testimony of exact obedience. It's hard but worth it!
Spanish is coming along. We decided as a district to do Spanish Saturdays and go the whole day without English! It worked for about 1/2 the day and then it was tough... haha!
I HIT MY HALFWAY MARK AT THE MTC!!! It has felt like months but at the same time only feels like a couple days! I love working out every day! We found that even doing stairs gets a little energy out and keeps us healthy:) The "wifting leights" is Hermana Elkington who can't seem to keep her words straight ever... Sand Hanitizer, my eck nitches, etc.

We are getting a new district in our zone and we all are a little over-excited but I am so ready to see some new faces and make some new friends!
I love learning, but it seems like I may never get out of here! I know I need every single day I have here but it feels like ETERNITY! It's ok because I have amazing friends in my district helping me along:)
Les quiero todo! Dios nos ama mucho:)
Don't count the days, Make the days count!
Con amor, Hermana Madsen
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