Spanish is coming along, we finished learning and are just reviewing now! Crazy! Something fun we did was figured out everybody's spirit animal and they fit perfectly! (Totally feel like a little kid doing it but so fun).
We hit our one month mark in the MTC this week and it feels absolutely crazy! I feel like it all went by so fast and I can totally do that 17 more times:)
I love this work that I am doing. I love learning Spanish, and I love making a difference in people's lives. Now I just need to work on putting those together more!
It is really cool watching our zone progress and grow closer together and closer to God. Each person who has come and left have grown so much. They always ask Elders and Hermanas from the districts that are leaving to speak in sacrament meeting. I am so scared I am going to get called this next week! But it'll be good practice for the field if I do I guess!
So I am going to have a really hard time saying goodbye to everyone. Especially my District and my teachers. Hermana Skidmore and Hermano Kartchner have taught me so much in my time here. They didn't just teach me Spanish or just how to teach, they taught me to be a missionary. Something I really admire about both of them, but specifically Hno. Kartchner is that he is still in missionary mode serving everyone he can and is so close to God even after being a year home from his mission. I want to be that kind of person that has such a close relationship with God that I will want my life to follow his will with exactness and I will always want to be serving Him.

{Miranda built these snowmen today!}

{Those 2 in the back are full-size}

{Miranda built these snowmen today!}

{Those 2 in the back are full-size}
I came across this scripture in my studies- 3 Nephi 12:10-12. It talks about being persecuted in the name of the church and that we will receive blessings for standing up for it and not denying it. I know as a missionary I am blessed already as I preach the gospel and bring others to Christ. But as a member forever in my life I want to be willing to stand up for what I believe and never deny Christ or his commandments or his prophets no matter the consequences.
I invite everyone to read that scripture and make a resolve to stand up for Christ in one way this week:)
Yo sé que por medio de Jesucristo podamos ser misioneros cada día. Jesucristo es mi Salvador y defensor. Yo sé que cuando venga el tiempo para ser un representante de Él, estaré fuerte y no le dudaré. Le amo a mi Hermano Mayor. Le serviré el resto de mi vida.
Don't count the days, make the days count!
Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen
Love you Miranda!