Monday, March 12, 2018

I'm running out of subject headings...

Well last night we received transfers and we are staying together, Hermana Piguave and me, to finish up her training.  But lots of changes in the mission are happening. Including Hermana Pastillo, one of the best friends I have had ever, is going home! She is finishing her mission and starting her real life again. It'll be hard to not be able to call her or see her on P-days, but like it says in a Spanish hymn,"If we keep our faith in The Great God, we will see each other [in a future]."  I am holding on to that promise =)

Also, this week we had Zone Conference. And like always, the president blew my mind with his knowledge and understanding of the gospel, and his wisdom in all aspects of life. Something he shared with us is about obedience. That God is happy when we sacrifice, but He is much more pleased when we obey. President pulled this out of a story in the Bible, in which an army was commanded to go take over the flocks of their enemies, and kill all of the animals. But the chief captain took the best of the flocks and herds home to sacrifice them to God. When he returned, he was reprimanded for his disobedience to direct orders from God to kill them ALL. 

President emphasized that sometimes as missionaries, or as members, we think that if we sacrifice a little bit of obedience to make life convenient, that God will accept it. But "The Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance." He told us that those who are obedient will naturally make sacrifices, but sacrifice doesn't replace obedience. I am still trying to really figure out what that means, but in the mean time I will just apply it to my life the best I can. =)

If y'all didn't know, the scriptures are amazing. I have received so much knowledge and wisdom from them and am so grateful to God for helping me understand them. I testify that they were all written by inspired prophets of God. I know they are the word of God, because I have felt the spirit of truth testify very clearly to my heart that it is true. Maybe some of you have a hard time reading the scriptures and taking away a lesson.  I DID TOO. But I have learned that these holy records of ancient times, as well as modern, have the power to change lives. I promise you all that if you read any of the standard works (Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price) with the intent to learn, God will reveal to you His mysteries, and help each of you understand more about who you really are. I leave these things with you, testifying from the other side of the world, that Christ lives and communicates with us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Fun Facts:
- I was in La Cancha (the central market) today and saw a girl peeing in a bag because they don't have bathrooms inside hahaha.
- All the schools here are religious schools. For example in a Catholic School, they have their normal classes, and then religion class where they learn the Catholic prayers and then talk about other religions.

-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen

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