The most exciting thing that happened this week was that I finally almost got bit by a dog! I have never really had a problem with dogs, and I have always trusted that God will keep me safe. And it has always worked. Dogs have never bothered me. But yesterday we were walking by a house and a dog started barking at us, but like usual I just kept walking. Then it started chasing me and baring its teeth and got within 1 foot of me. I would usually take off my bag, and use it to protect me, but my bag was tied in a knot around my waist and I couldn't get it off. So I reached out to hit it, and happened to grab its tooth and yanked its head to the side. Then it started going for my comp, but she had taken out her water bottle and chased it off, threatening it! I had so much adrenaline for the next 5 minutes.
But because of this experience I know for sure that God sends us angels to protect us and guide us. I was not afraid of getting bitten because I know God protects His missionaries=)

Also I have just seen the hand of the Lord in so many peoples lives recently. Especially in instances in which we show up right in times when it is obvious that people need us.
Fun Facts:
- I tried CHEESE flavored icecream today! It was actually super yummy. @emilylund we have to learn how to make it=)
- I recently realized that there are no squirrells here in Bolivia. Nor are there deer. Just stray dogs and cats and LOTS of flies=)
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen