Monday, December 4, 2017


This past weekend were government elections in Bolivia. At the command of our president, we were in our house all of Saturday and Sunday. My personal conclusion is that we were asked to stay inside because we would seem like 2 nicely dressed people going around campaigning. Also they could think that a North American such as I could be a spy... I wish I was a government spy, but no. I am something much more important=)

I also think of elections because this week I learned how important the choice of every individual is. Everyone chooses who they want to be4, and what they want to do. It is hard to be what we want to be when we don't believe we can do it. There are two parts to self-confidence. One is being confident in your ability to do hard things. The second is trusting in God to help you through. 

We have an investigator named Manuel, an old man who doesn't believe in himself. He understands everything we teach him really well, but every time we leave he feels like he can't understand and he can't progress. But remembers everything perfectly! I now understand the feelings of parents when they can see the potential in their children that they themselves can't see.

This is a message for everyone. God sees not only your potential, but also all that you already are. Each one of you is a son or daughter of a King who is perfect. He knows you are amazing. You just need to see it too. Be who YOU want to be and not who anyone else wants you to be. If you make your own goals, you will be more happy once you achieve them.

I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week!

Fun Facts:
- Our shower has 2 settings... Hot or cold. The hot feels like a volcano and the cold is just freaking cold. So I have been showering using a little tub and a cup.
- When it rains here the streets flood like a river! And we are just entering rainy season! Wish me luck!

-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen

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