Monday, October 16, 2017

I saved the Bishop's son

So the title comes from a cool scary experience I had this week! We went to help our bishop's wife cook dinner for her kids and she left the room to hang up some laundry, and as we were eating with the kids, their little boy started choking on his food. I am so blessed to have taken first aid classes. I was able to quickly respond, giving him the Heimlich maneuver, and out popped his giant wad of food! Nothing was in vain=)

This week was a little low in numbers, but high in spirit.

Something I know that we can do with authority as missionaries is make promises, and if we do it according to what the spirit tells us, that it WILL happen. D&C 82:10 says that God is bound to keep His promises when we do what He tells us to. 

I shared this scripture with one of our converts who is struggling with keeping his side of the promise he made with God at baptism. Then we, the 4 missionaries that were visiting him, made him a promise that applied specifically to his life and his needs. We promised him as missionaries and representatives of Jesus Christ that if he stopped smoking and drinking for one week, that he would find the work that he had been lacking for weeks.

During this moment I felt a power I know to be the power of God. I do not hold the holy priesthood power of God, but I know that as a missionary set apart with this power, I have the authority to speak in the name of Jesus Christ. I know He will support me in all my righteous wants and deeds here in the mission because I am bringing the truth to the people here in Bolivia.

I love the mission!
Love you all!

Fun Facts:
-When people have a family member die here they hang a black plastic grocery bag on their front door.
-There is this yummy drink sort-of thing called Sumo that is choclo and maicena (no idea if those exist in english) and they go around selling it in what look like big metal bombs=)
{I looked up choclo: a chewy, large field corn, and maicena: a cornstarch kind of fine corn flour}

-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen

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