Everything happens in God's timing.
I am leaving my beloved area of Jaihuayco. I have learned so much and I am going to miss everyone here so much. I have met some amazing people, seen miracles, felt the spirit, and made eternal friendships. But the Lord knows what the best is for me. I am headed to an area named La Floresta with another "Gringa" Hermana Jeppsen. I am excited to have a new adventure in my mission.
Also this week I saw the hand of the Lord's timing in two ways. One, is Gerardo. He has been listening to the missionaries for a long time and has had many baptismal dates. He knows that he should get baptized, but there is always something that stops him. So we had to drop him as an investigator this week. I have hope that someday he will go back to the church, find the missionaries, and remember the way he felt before.
The other way was a Teenage girl named Erika that we have been trying to teach over and over again, but whenever we go she never had time. But this week we found her in her house and were able to teach her. We are reading the Book of Mormon with her very slowly and helping her form good study habits that will help her in her schoolwork too. We also talked to her mom and were able to bring her to church.
It is never easy to get people to go to church here unless you go to their house and practically drag them to the chapel. We did this with 2 investigators this week and were very very tight on time because they live at the opposite ends of our area. But with the help of the lord, they both were able to come and stay all 3 hours! Such a blessing.
Something else I know is true about the timing of God is that He doesn't have a timeline. He is Infinite and Eternal. Therefore, He can hear your prayers and make a difference in Eternity. Not just in the moment of your prayer. He will go back in time or forward to make the right things happen for you.
Love you all! Hope you have an amazing Christmas!
Fun Facts:
-Jaihuayco is named how it is because of a battle that happened here where all the Cholitas speaking Quechua were yelling "Jaihuarihuayco" which means more or less "Pass me [that weapon]".
- I tried real guava for the first time in my life today!
-- Don't count the days, make the days count!
~Hermana Madsen